1. If you are planning on getting an OKA membership contact Mr. Boozer, please. He has information you need. You may send him a note through the Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/kicskarate/
2. The website is nearly fully overhauled. If you find an issue please let us know. If you want to receive these notices/announcements in your email you can sign up at the bottom of this page. What is posted here will be what is posted on the Facebook page.
3. Please review the rules if you have not recently. They can be found on the website. Make sure you are aware of what is expected.
4. Don't assume, check out this guide and make sure you are tying your belt correctly. New students, remember you can purchase your gi through us when you are ready. Any Black Belt can help you. www.centurymartialarts.com/belt-tying-guide
5. There is no class this Saturday! Practice what you are learning, and what you know. See ya Tuesday.