

Announcement -- Dec 18, 2018

As mentioned last Saturday, we were just informed that the church will be implementing a $5/mo Link facility usage fee per person (adult or child) as of Jan 8, 2019. This would include any KICS student, anyone using the walking track, etc. If the student is a minor, the parent will be the member and pay the fee. You are NOT required to pay for yourself if you are not using the Link facilities (i.e. parents and children waiting in the atrium during class). 

The fee can be paid via check, cash, credit card, or the preferred method of auto withdrawal using the student's check info. My understanding is that anyone paying the $5 fee will need to get a new ID as part of this process. 

This fee is NOT a KICS fee and will NOT go into our budget. Also, KICS leadership will NOT administer or police this fee. Link personnel will handle it as needed as part of their sign in process. If you have any questions about this $5 fee, please contact the Link at 735-2527.